
ETH Global 2023 Istanbul – Winning project – Memento

Memento is a dapp for storing private content (note, photo, video, or any file) on a public blockchain to be unlocked in the future. Powered by a novel EVM time-locking privacy protocol built from scratch in ETHGlobal Istanbul. Source code: Demo/presentation: Memento is our innovative decentralized application, developed as a proof of concept…

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NEAR Hackathon 2023 – 1st prize winner – Obrigado

I’m absolutely thrilled to announce the recent success of our project, Obrigado, at the NEARCON IRL Hackathon, where we clinched the 1st place prize! As the Head of Product at and the creator of the idea behind Obrigado, this achievement is particularly close to my heart. Check it out here: Obrigado: Revolutionizing the…

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EBC9 Hackathon – Winning project – CoredIn

CoredIn is the new professional SocialFI network built on Coreum blockchain! With CoredIn, all users information is backed by verifiable credentials following the latest standards on Self-Solvereign identity while leveraging a custom WASM contract to create an onchain DID registry and control data sharing. On top of that, users are able to subscribe to each other profile with a soulbound smartNFT minted by paying…

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